
Banana bread was the first Artemʼs baking experience, and itʼs a great choice for an aspiring baker: easy to bake, doesnʼt require many ingredients besides overripe bananas and whatever nuts and dried fruits you have at home. Itʼs a great addition to any outdoor activity — whether itʼs a picnic with your family, a hike with friends, or a solo photography outing (donʼt forget a thermos with coffee!). Of course, it tastes great at home too!


Yields 1 loaf

  1. 120 g of butter
    at room temperature
  2. 200 g of all-purpose flour
  3. 10 g of baking powder
  4. 5 g of cinnamon
  5. 2 g of salt
  6. 2 eggs
  7. 40 g of coconut sugar
  8. 5 overripe bananas
  9. lots nuts and dried fruits

You will need

  1. mixer
  2. oven
  3. 21×10 cm baking form


Before you start: warm butter to room temperature.

  1. Preheat oven to 180 ˚C.
  2. Butter the baking form.
  3. In a medium bowl, combine 200 g of all-purpose flour, 10 g of baking powder, 5 g of cinnamon, and 2 g of salt, using a whisk.
  4. In a mixer bowl, mix butter and 40 g of coconut sugar, using a mixer with a whisk attachment.
  5. In a separate small bowl, break 2 eggs.
  6. Incorporate eggs one by one into the butter and sugar mixture using a mixer.
  7. While eggs are mixed, in yet another medium bowl, puree bananas using a masher or fork.
  8. Incorporate bananas into the mixture, using a silicone spatula.
  9. Add nuts and dried fruits to the mixture.
  10. Add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture. Stir using a silicone spatula just enough to wet the flour.
  11. Pour the batter into the baking form.
  12. Bake for 60–80 minutes, until a toothpick comes out dry.
  13. Let the bread cool down, and remove it from the baking form.

Notes & tips

For nuts, I like to use pecans, almonds, dried apricots, dried cranberries, and dried rhubarb. Experiment and find what you like.
Use a wooden toothpick to check the cake for readiness: insert it into the cake in several places, if the toothpick is dry, the cake is ready. If the top of the cake is getting to brown, cover it with tinfoil.

This recipe is inspired by the Banana banana bread recipe.

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All-purpose flourVeganGluten
Baking powderVegan
Coconut sugarVegan